
Ideas on How to Get Your Children Organize their Belongings


by Steve Pak

Do you ever have problems with your kids that their things are never organized? It seems that everywhere you turn inside the house you see their belongings lying on the floor, above the television, on the bed and even in the kitchen. Everyday since they can walk they have been continuously creating havoc inside the home. Wherever they go, they seem to care less about the mess they leave behind and much lesser for the one who has to clean it. It is very unfortunate for the part of the parents who always clean the mess even though they are tired from work and other household chores. Nagging about it to them seems useless. So, how can you make your kids clean after their untidiness?

Consider buying your children backpacks especially made to cater to them as target markets because when they feel excited towards them they become innocently responsible. Seeing that the backpacks have shouting colors, creative shapes and alluring designs will definitely make them want to pack all their stuff inside them. When children see something they own for the first time, they usually take good care of it. They will always want to be near their things and protect them from everyone. Thus, they transform into a somewhat very organized person but it usually does not last long enough. This is where, as parents, you have to follow them through it.

Think of some ways wherein you can get your children feel as if packing their things inside their bags is ordinary to them. Try setting an alarm on their wrist watches to sound off probably before they go to bed. It is advisable that their wrist watches have alarms in them because they usually wear with them all the time. Encourage them by giving them rewards and at the same time help them with the things that need cleaning. The most common reason why they have to fix their things is to make sure that they do not forget anything they might need for the activities they have for tomorrow. Another reason can be that organizing their things will give them more time to play and even sleep with out worrying too much on being late. Make cleaning and fixing their things as if they are playing.

When you introduce to your children into these kinds of methods they unwarily become little angels. Little by little you are developing them to be a responsible kid. Toys and kid related materials are definitely a plus for them and for you too. You just have to make sure that what you buy will help them in their developing stage. You assist your kids by reward system and in a way that they do not feel heavily burdened by what they are supposed to do. They should feel that what they are doing is fun and not a responsibility because they usually have unexplainable inner resentment to the latter.

Simple things such as backpacks for kids with sufficient instructional aid from parents will definitely have good impact to them. These things can be backpacks that have bright colors and timely designs that attract children. Buying one for your kids in line with their taste is advisable. And a little help from parents like setting alarm on their wrist watches to schedule their games, baths and cleaning time will go a long way but it has to be fun for them or else all efforts are useless.


Hope you enjoyed the article,



Saving Money Is Easier Than You Think!

by James
Feeling short of money? Make more and spend less!You want to go where money is? Watch prison break first!

It’s so much easier said than done to save money. Well, somebody has given lists such as cutting your coffee, less entertainment, less shopping (no, you are killing me)… That works for your money but not for your life, because you save for a better one.

To better manage your money, here comes some tips:

First, set your goal in short-term and long-term. There must be something you want in desperation, like a car, a macbook. You will figure out what to cut to have your dream come true. Yes, you are not really saving money here, but you find the ways.

Second, make a budget and prioritize your spending. Track your monthly expenses and calculate the average for your regular payments (Rent, Phone Bills, utilities, gas etc.). Shopping and entertainment may change from month to month, set a minimum. When you have a total spending plan for the next month, save all the surplus for investment or open a savings account.

Third and the smarter way, when you have to buy something, find a cheap one. Actually this is easy because you are online. DO NOT save your cable expense.

The Internet has changed our way of life: Users get greater access to information than ever before. It also offers many opportunities for saving money. As online shopping has become more and more popular, businesses have been pressured into not only maintaining an online presence, but also competing for a thriving global consumer base. Online deals and specials are powerful persuasion for potential customers, and are therefore used by many retailers. If you know where to look, you can find many ways to save money online, such as traditional coupons that you can print out and carry with you, and online coupons that use links or coupon codes to save you money.

There are two ways applying the discount for online stores: linked coupons and coupon codes . With a linked coupon, you simply click on the link, and it takes you to the online store via a special URL; then when you finish the shopping, your savings will be applied to your shopping cart automatically. A coupon code is a special code you will need to enter when you check out. Because online stores depend on online coupons and promotions to boost sales, these codes are very easy to find. There are many websites dedicated to listing current online coupons and coupon codes such as , etc. Most of these sites offer a search feature to help you find exactly what you’re looking for.

Hope you enjoyed the article,



Another Whoo For Ebay, Ebay Alternatives Are Up


Another blow to the ebay business! Ebay is falling like a rock because they still do not know what their true client is… Are they catering to the buyers or to sellers that pay the listing fees. With all the recent policy changes in the last 6 months, it is very hard to make a sell or even stay compliant with the ebay policies.

Power Sellers and regular sellers are fed up, while looking for alternative ebay type sites to sell their products. It seems that ebay just does not care for who they piss off or change the policies to disallow everybody. This business action just makes it seem that they are big and do not care about their users, whether it buyers or sellers. They are just going downhill, and waiting to loose control to crash and burn. The core of any brokerage business is your sellers because they are the ones that pay the fees… Buyers are attracted because they do not pay anything for the transaction, they just feel that they are getting a deal on the item they agreed to purchase.  Just watch the video below,click the link, another whoo!

Here is an ebay alternative site that I have found is worthy of mentioning… . For the remainder of May, they are having FREE auction style listings and 50% off Buy It Now Fees… This site has No Tiered Listing Fees, No Final Value Fees, No Reserve Fees, Just One Flat Fee to sell your items.  Visit today and receive $10 added to your sellers account to apply for any listing upgrades.




Writers – Make Money with a Blog and Adsense

by Paul Jesse
Writing is a career where one can become an overnight success or keep struggling for years without making any money and possibly end up changing to another career. There are problems trying to find an publisher to accept and publish your book or novel or a magazine editor to print your article or column. Hopefully this situation may not arrise often in this day and time, thanks to the internet.Years ago, people in the writing profession had to depend on others to earn; today’s writers may now produce an income from their writing by switching their passion to write into a business. Difficult as it might sound, this effort may indeed constitute an easy-to-achieve possibility with the use of the internet and blogs. Amazing, as it might appear, you will be able to make money with a blog by just whipping up your hidden writing talent.

If you are new to the internet and don’t know what a blog is, or you’ve been working on or surfing the internet for years, making money with a blog is a possibility that you’ll be able to accomplish with a little planning. Here are a few tips that should be able to help you:

1. Earn working with Google – What once constituted merely a search engine Google now comprises one of the the worlds most powerful enterprises, not only in terms of its reach, but also in terms of its income generating possibilities. You will be able to earn from Google by utilizing their free service called AdSense. All that’s required of you is to have a blog and sell space on your page for advertisements to be posted by AdSense. The service would then permit you to show ad units – ad boxes – that would show ads associated with the subjects you write on in your blog.

For example, you wrote about the piano you just brought, then the ad unit probably would show ads about pianos. When your visitors click on any of these ads, you’d get paid a certain amount. Once your income reaches one hundred dollars, You would then receive a check. 2. Advertise additional Profitable Web Sites- numerous online businesses offer affiliate programs. These programs work by you having their advertisements placed on your blog. When a visitor clicks the ad and makes a purchase from that company the ad represents, you would earn a commission or a referral fee. Many gurus in internet marketing run such programs including large corporations like, eBay and many others. The income you are able to earn varies depending on each company’s payment policies.

3. Sell Ads – The downside of Google advertisements and affiliate programs is you don’t actually have much control over your income and the ads that are showed on your blog. If you would like to play more seriously in the ad marketing game, then you could apply BlogAds’ free databases where you will be able to set your own price for advertisers to place ads on your blog. Several companies search for blogs that match their products and services and rent ad space the same as they do when using those traditional billboards you see along the freeways. Your ad space could then be leased for a certain time period. You would have to pay twenty percent of your income to BlogAd.

4. Donations – several blogs have donation buttons on them. And admittedly, numerous enthusiastic fans and visitors might be willing to make a contribution as a sign of appreciation for your well-written, compelling, and informative blog. Donation buttons are available from PayPal, the renowned online internet service, who would receive a fee for this service when people decide to make a donation. Like options are extended by Amazon and BitPass.

5. Open an Online shopping mall – if your blog becomes so popular that thousands of visitors from all over the world visit it daily. Then you might benefit from that traffic by marketing gifts and souvenirs. And the good news is you would not have to place your logo on those gifts, T-shirts or baseball caps. CafePress would do it for you. CafePress extends to sell for you anything from those precious buttons to defying outerware. The asking price is up to you; you only have to pay the base price of the merchandise.

Making money with a blog is not as difficult as it appears. But naturally like any adventure to make money, you have be be good at doing your job. Keep learning and never give up and You will have the potential to make big earnings utilizing your blog .

Hope you enjoyed the article,


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