
The Benefits of Blogging and Money Online

by David O Connell
Blogging is an efficient connecting and interacting tool, which makes extensive use of different Internet attributes. It is largely used by advertisers for marketing purposes. It has also become greatly popular among teenagers and older generations to share ideas and obtain guidance in different fields.Knowledge sharing and management is the most important benefit of blogging. Apart from this, other advantages include self-marketing, community building, better customer service, interactive journalism, social reforms and better communication techniques. Below are some key benefits. 

Benefits of Blog Posts:

1. Connectivity: It is an efficient and cost-effective technique to advertise the business facts and expertise, since it builds connectivity to a larger community. This is extremely helpful for small businesses, who cannot invest funds in marketing their products or services.

2. Direct Communication: It provides a direct source of communication with customers, who feel free to address their ideas, queries or experiences regarding a particular commodity. Thus, producers get an overview of different opinions and can accordingly make necessary changes in the production process.

3. Real Time: Blogging enables on-the-spot debates and discussions. It is not necessary to wait for the next day to read details in a newspaper. Advertisers make instant modifications and update the readers regarding any significant changes.

4. Democratic View: There are no barriers to any post, unless it offends the readers. Blogs get different opinions and eliminate repetitive ideas to have all the possible responses for any product or service. Thus, it follows the concept of democratization of information.

5. Search Engine Optimization (SEO): It uses SEO and thus, helps to increase search engine rankings. Costs of SEO services range from $5000 to $10,000. These services largely increase the popularity of a site, by displaying search results for specific keywords that a visitor types in the search box. Hence, most blogs have repetitive keywords. This fetches more positive search engine results and increases revenue.

6. Fast Publication: Business entrepreneurs use the technique of blogging to articulate expertise, viewpoints and knowledge, since it is a fast and simple marketing tool. Apart from this, many companies provide online blogging tips to get started with the process. It is equally easy for viewers to access blogs and post their queries and ideas.

7. Low Cost: It is an inexpensive method to bring a company name in focus. Small businesses use blogging to highlight product characteristics to promote, sell, and to differentiate products. This highly minimizes the overall budget and gives better results, since it offers scope for feedback from readers as well.

8. Reputation: With better customer service and high quality products, blogs enable to build customer confidence and trust towards the company. It portrays the site owner as an expert and maintains the company reputation, which customers feel free to rely on.

According to studies, people who post blogs or visit them experience surprising reductions in their anxiety and depression levels. Blogging gives new ideas and increases the understanding capabilities. It offers different perspectives to a particular idea and thus, broadens the social spectrum.


Hope you enjoyed the article,


How Do I Get My Site to The Top of Search Engines?


by Anne-Marie RONSEN


Your website’s ranking on search engines is a vital element of your overall marketing campaign, and there are ways to improve your link popularity through legitimate methods. Since search engines are the first stop for people on the Internet looking for goods or services, the position your website appears in search results is an important factor.

Before you go out and hire a search engine optimization company, try taking some of the simple steps listed bellow, and see if you can’t boost your rankings yourself.

– Create a site with valuable content, products or services. And, make sure your site is fully operational before you have it submitted – Do NOT submite a site that is under construction or having just one page.

– Don’t use the automatic submission services. Beware of companies that promise automatic submission of your website to hundreds of search engines which are but only false promises. The best way to submit your website for search engine ranking and inclusion is to do it yourself or to hire an expert to do it manually, by contacting the search engine companies and directories (i.e.

– Submit the domain or URL that have content in the corect format ( – some directories accept it without http://)

– Take the time and choose the most appropriate category. Don’t make the mistake of selecting the category too fast without checking if there would be a more relevant category.

– Check for broken links and correct HTML and avoid hidden text or hidden links.

– Pay attention to your keywords. Research and use the right keywords/phrases to attract your target customers. Keywords are the foundation bricks of the entire search engine system, and they demand individual scrutiny in your monitoring efforts.

– Use keywords in page titles itself. The actual text you use in the title tag is one of the most important factors in how a search engine may decide to rank your web page. In addition, all major web crawlers will use the text of your title tag as the text they use for the title of your page in your listings.

– Ensure that each page on your website has appropriate titles and keywords so that your customer can find their way back to your site if they lose the book mark.

– Select words or phrases that target a niche segment. Use the advanced tools available to create a list of relevant keywords which do not attract too much competition in your niche segment.

– Try to use text instead of images to display important names, content, or links. The Search Engines crawler doesn’t recognize text contained in images.

– Don’t create multiple pages, subdomains, or domains with substanially duplicate content. Google’s algorithm really does take notice of duplicate content. Provide unique, relevant and fresh content to your users with a good grammar, correct spelling, and sentence structure.

– Use reports and logs from your web hosting company to see where your traffic is coming from. Analyze your visitor location and their incoming sources whether search engines or links from other sites and the keywords they used to find you.

– Write 10 highly informative and unique articles about the topic of your website. Demonstrate your industry and product or service expertise by writing and submitting articles for your website or for article banks so you are perceived as an expert in your field. When not sure, hire professionals. Though it may seem costly, but it is a lot less expensive than spending your money on a website which no one visits.

– REGULARLY UPDATE YOUR WEB PAGES. Search engine spiders love constantly updated content. Any changed to your source code would register in the search engines’ systems, and their spiders would crawl through your website with priority the next time a relevant query is made.

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These on page search engine optimization techniques are designed to give you a good page rank for your online business’ website and are crucial to the success of your marketing campaign. Once you achieve a high search engine position, it is essential that you make sure you maintain the high ranking you have worked so hard to achieve.

Hope you enjoyed the article,


A Wildly Succesful Link Campaign Could Get You Tossed From Google’s Index!

by Ba Kiwanuka
That link bait piece was a work of sheer genius! In a matter of days your website traffic exploded from the usual trickle of visitors to over 50,000. Phew…what a rush! Your link campaign is simply dusting the competition like so much netdirt squished beneath the flaming rubber of your screeching tires. Another day…another 20,000 visitors! And as for your link campaign…omigosh! Talk about outta control! Everybody wants to link to you. Everybody is linking to you! And just to think, only a week ago you were struggling to retain the handful of links you’d worked ever so hard to get and yet look at you now…practically drowning in the stuff! And as your link-bait vehicles ramps up even more speed you ride the tidal wave of web traffic with a heavy rap beat pounding the speakers of your linkmobil:Whoop! Whoop! It’s Da Sounda GooglePol Whoop! Whoop! It’s For You Da Bell Toll Whoop! Whoop! It’s Da Sounda GooglePol Whoop! Whoop! It’s For You Da Bell Toll

And then suddenly it hits you! That’s not just your music…it really is GooglePol. Heck…those are real sirens!

The powerful green-white and blue sedan roars up inches behind your turbocharged Speedlinker, and as you ease off the gas a fraction you hear a booming voice snarl “You in the red link vehicle…Turn off your engine and pull to the side. You are in violation of SED (search engine doctrine) 234!

And that’s how what many proclaim to be arguably the most successful link campaign in web history came to a sudden and screeching halt!

Busted For Web 2.0 Speedlinking!

First of all let’s tackle the meaning of Web 2.0 just in case you don’t know what it means. Web 2.0 is many things to different folks, and so if you are the techie type you would probably present a 100-page dissertation to cover the subject. But for us mere mortals Web 2.0 can be simplified along the following lines:

Web 2.0 is the 2nd generation stage of the internet and largely consists of community based and community driven websites/platforms which include blogs, forums, not to mention the vastly popular social media sites. You’ve probably heard of some of the more established and popular of these sites which include:

1. Myspace; 2. Digg; 3. Youtube; and 4. Facebook; to name but a few.

These sites are community driven platforms and the operative word here is “community.” You can find practically any niche subject bustling with its very own online community on any one of the myriad of social media sites out there. However if you hope to gain exposure and benefit from Web 2.0 sites you have to abide by the rules and participate within the community. These online communities are populated by rather sensitive finicky folk who frown very strongly on abject and wanton self promotion!

Rule Breaking Will Get You Banned Quicker Than Samuel L. Jackson Rat-a-tats A Bad Guy Full Of Lead!

Believe me, if unabashed self promotion is your goal, you certainly won’t get far with social media sites! These communities harbor pretty trigger-happy gunners as far as banning community abusers goes, and if you violate socially accepted behavior you’ll be booted out quicker than Paris Hilton can simper “That’s Hot” or Samuel L. Jackson snarls “Mudda@#&%er!” before rat-a-tat-tatting Mr. Bad full of lead!

However if you actively participate in your targeted niche and abide by the rules you can get immense exposure quite quickly, a substantial amount of traffic and a bucket load of links! BUT…yah, there’s always a BUT, as said before you have to be an active community member which means you do have to put in some effort before those links and traffic become a reality.

So what do I mean by effort, or put another way, WORK? Urrggh…that’s right, remember that annoying four letter word you simply cannot seem to avoid doing! Anyway work in this context means reading posts, voting positively for those posts you like (and if you feel brave…voting negatively for those you don’t although I wouldn’t do that too often if you want to build a stable of “friends”). Friends are site members who invite you to join their “neighborhood” something that you can do too; basically acquiring friends is a good thing (both online and off I guess…Duh?)

Indiscriminate voting for all and sundry will get you adversely pinpointed by the site owners as a miscreant up to no good (excuse enough to give you the proverbial boot up your pants). Note that each social media site has its own particular set of rules, lingo and guidelines so read up about them before you get banned and start whining…it’s not fair, boo hoo hoo! Bottom line, you should try and gain as many trusted “friends” in your targeted community as possible and build up a positive reputation that you can leverage to your advantage in the future.

Getting Links And Web Traffic

Betcha this is what you’ve been waiting for…how does Web 2.0 benefit you, right? Well that’s where your stable of friends comes into play. Once you’ve done enough online social hobnobbing, networking or what-have-you and built up a whole lotta good karma, write up your irresistible link bait piece and notify your “friends” of its existence. Generally for most of the social media websites you can only post a short blurb or teaser for your main article so do that and make sure that it is also mouth-watering smackalicious too, that way people just won’t be able to help themselves from clicking through to the main post on your blog (several social media sites only accept mobile platforms such as blogs as opposed to static commonplace sites).

Your new online friends will only be too happy to reciprocate the love you showed them earlier (by voting up their articles) so they won’t hesitate to up-vote your dynamic and irresistible piece. And soon enough, before you know it you’ll be drowning in traffic because that post of yours will rise like the mythical phoenix to the top of the social media sites where it will get supersaturated exposure. Up atop that social media site more and more people will see it, love it and thereby vote for it. Think of that link bait piece of yours as a virus that expands exponentially or as a vicious-cycle with a positive slant!

Caution: Slowdown Now! Google Speedlink Filter Ahead!

So what the heck is Google’s beef with your super successful link bait campaign. Hey, it’s not as if you’re buying links or linking to link farms for that matter. In fact you aren’t doing anything wrong but following their guidelines in accordance with their vision of Web Paradise (never fear that day will come circa Web 50.0).

So what’s really going on?

The problem on hand here is that Google has an algorithm filter which has the purpose of detecting aggressive linking. Translate aggressive linking as the acquisition of a large number of links in a disproportionately short length of time. Unfortunately at this point in time it appears as though this Google Speedlink Filter is still quite primitive and cannot differentiate between genuine above-board superlinking and spammy blackhat shady linking. Once the Speedlink Filter is triggered not only will all your links become null and void with respect to Google (even those prior to your link bait campaign), in the worst case scenario your blog (or site) will be unceremoniously booted from all known search (Google index).

However in such cases there is a glimmer of hope, you can apprise Google of the situation and appeal for a manual review of your site. But I guess the bottom line is if your Web 2.0 speedlinking is making you plenty of ka-ching then perhaps you don’t need the grace of that fickle online deity known as Google!



Hope you enjoyed the article,

