
So You Think Your Are Indispensible, Get Motivated!


by Gina Gardiner


We all need to feel of value. We all gain that sense of value in different ways. None of them are wrong in themselves but the meaning we give to situations can have a profound impact on how we operate with others and how we feel about ourselves. Understanding what motivates us and how different styles of behaviour can impact on others allows us to make a choice. We can choose to continue as we are or to take steps to change things.

Many people are motivated by their need to be of use. Their sense of who they are and sense of self worth is dependent on being needed. Indeed many people fear the time when they will no longer be needed by their children or their work.

Many of my clients feel that they are totally indispensable to their staff and clients yet leave their partners and families feeling alone and ignored. There appears to be a very different sense of what is important at work and at home. It is the source of great distress and heartache to partners and families. The clients focus far more time and energy on their colleagues and clients, partners feel hurt and rejected.

As the client returns home they are met with the outpouring of frustration and hurt and a cycle of destructive behaviour becomes entrenched.

Clients who are in a long term relationship feel their partners are making demands which they cannot meet because their work is important; indeed it is what supports the family. Tension and difficulty are compounded by poor communication and harsh words.

Clients who are not in a long term relationship feel lonely and unsatisfied so turn to work to fill the gap. That is fine in the short term but when work finally ends the success is empty without anyone to share it with.

So where do you focus most of your time and energy?

How often do you find yourself making excuses to your family because you had to work late? If you had to choose between working late or going home to your partner which one usually takes priority? When did you get on with work late into the evening or at a weekend rather than meeting friends or taking time to find a relationship?

For a moment think about your life. Imagine yourself at the end of your life looking back over the years. Imagine how life will be if you carry on behaving exactly as you do now. What effect has it had on your relationships? Have you enjoyed a wonderful passionate and satisfying relationship with your partner? If you have children how has your behaviour of now impacted on them? What legacy are you leaving them? Do they feel loved and a sense of closeness to you? When work finished what were you left with? What was left when you stopped being the professional you?

Now think about your ideal life.

What is really important to you? Who are your true priorities? What needs to change for you to achieve the life you aspire to? What legacy do you want to leave?

If you take your partner or your children for granted you run the very real danger that you will loose them both. Take a long hard look at how you behave and what beliefs are underpinning those behaviours.

How ever indispensable we may think we are at work, the reality is actually very different. If you were to be carried away tomorrow, if you were run over by a bus or whisked away on a magic carpet, life would go on. Oh there would be a few awkward days where your colleagues had difficulty in understanding your filing system and your diary but even the best loved and respected are soon replaced. The ripples in the pond quickly disappear without trace when you throw in a stone. You are far more likely to leave a lasting legacy when you involve and train your team and you manage strategically, sharing your vision and developing leadership systematically so that your immediate presence is not actually needed.

If you suddenly became unavailable tomorrow how would your work team manage? What information, skills, understanding, contacts would be missing? How much of your time do you spend managing strategically? What succession management do you have in place?

Is it time to change your focus? To think how you can be dispensable on a day to day basis but indispensable as a strategist and as a role model and mentor. Working hard and smart and creating a fantastic family life in the bargain. This is one time when you can have your cake and eat it too.


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Making Your Own Faux Crackle Paint and Saving Money!

by Jeremy Berger
Making your own faux crackle is very easy to do. Faux Crackle painted finishes are very trendy faux finishes that can be used to antique many items such as, picture frames, furniture, cabinets, moldings and even walls. You will see that rather than purchasing crackle products from a store you can mix your own faux crackle painted finishes from scratch with ease, since all that is needed is some paint water and glue. This mixture when applied will have all the beauty of any manufactured material and you will find that your final faux crackle painted finishes will even have more characteristics to them. There are many faux crackle finish techniques you can use to create different types of crackle finishes. This article will be focusing on making your own faux crackle paint.Crackle Ingredients

To start making your own crackle paint you will need to mix your water and glue formula in three different containers that will contain different mixture percentages. The reason for three different mixtures is that they will each produce a different crackle effect so that your final faux crackle painted finishes has some variety in the cracks leading to a more natural and realistic antiqued look. The first mixture contains 30 percent glue and 70 percent warm water, the second contains 50 percent glue and 50 percent warm water and the third 70 percent glue and 30 percent warm water.

Application Tools

You are going to need some nylon brushes, small buckets, blow dryer or heat gun, a table to work on, rags and a sponge sander.

Apply Base Coat

The base coat for your faux crackle painted finishes can be a stain or paint color of your choice. You will need to apply the stain or paint to the surface using a brush or roller, making sure to use the correct brush if you will be using oil based products. The base coat should dry for a complete 24 hours before applying the glue and water mixtures.

Applying the Glue and Water Mixtures

Apply the glue and water mixtures with a brush randomly throughout your project surface; this will create a variety of different cracks for a more natural look. By jabbing or twirling the brush this will also create an interesting variety of cracks in the final look of your faux painted crackle finishes. The top coat needs to be applied before the glue mixtures has completely dried on the surface, which can be anywhere from 2 to 4 minutes.

Applying the Top Coat

Mix any flat colored paint you want with 50 percent water so that it has the ability to break apart and form the cracks. Once you have the top coat mixture ready begin applying it to the surface using a roller or brush depending on what type of surface you are working with. Then once it has been applied hold the hair dryer or heat gun between 2 and 12 inches away and begin blowing the surface. By varying the distance this can add a variety of different cracks. You will soon see the cracks begin to appear. Once completed let the faux crackle painted finishes dry for 24 hours at which time you may apply a clear coat polyurethane finish for protection.

There are many more finishes at Faux Painting for Dummies where you can get more info on the crackle finish technique as well as many other different popular faux finishes. The faux crackle finish is in the Old World category of faux finishes and another easy finish to create is the old world parchment finish. There are numerous photos depicting many different faux finishes that can be very inspirational towards your next project. Hope you have fun making your own faux crackle paint!


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Myths And Truths About Money Paid Surveys


by Jun Yuan Lim


Try entering the key phrase “paid survey reviews” into the major search engines and you be able to see millions of web pages with people giving their reviews about making money with these paid survey websites.While there are many people who have managed to earn a full time income simply by completing surveys for cash, there are also many who fell pray to scams by some of these paid survey websites.

On top of that, you’ll also see lots of claims about paid surveys. In this article, I’m going to share with you some of these myths, as well as truths, about them.

Myth #1 – You will get really rich quickly simply by completing online surveys for cash.

Truth – This is not a “get-rich-quick” scheme. The amount of money you’ll make will depend on the number of surveys you complete every month. On top of that, it will also depend on the number of people you refer to sign up for these paid survey websites – Some of these paid survey websites have a referral program in which they’ll pay you a certain percentage in commissions of the amount the person you referred earns from paid surveys.

Myth #2 – All of these paid survey websites are nothing but scams

Truth – This is not totally true. While there are some of these websites that are scams, there are many others that are 100% legal and legitimate, and they pay out very regularly to it’s members. The bottomline is, before you sign up as a member in any of these websites, spend some time to go through the website’s privacy policy, terms of service, as well as search for reviews on what people said about them in the major search engines – that will give you a good indication on whether a paid survey website is genuine or it’s a scam.

Myth #3 – My email inbox will be flooded with spams by these paid survey websites

Truth – If you signed up for legitimate paid survey websites, your mailbox will never be spammed by them. The only emails you’ll receive are requests to complete surveys for cash.

Myth #4 – I can make lots of money by “cheating” these paid survey websites

Truth – You may be able to get away with it once or twice, but not all the time, as all these survey systems are reviewed by human beings. If you are caught “cheating” them, you will get your account terminated, and you’ll lose all your earnings, as well as your additional source of income forever.

The above are 4 myths and truths about paid surveys. In my personal opinion, you’ll be able to make good money by completing surveys for cash – provided you sign up for legal and legitimate paid survey websites, and participate actively.

Good luck!


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Credit Repair is More Than a Right, It’s Your Responsibility

by Stuart Hunter
The majority of Americans have errors and other unverifiable information on their credit reports that could be dragging down their credit score. Odds are good that your credit score is lower than it should be. The unfortunate thing is that odds are you will be yet another one of the millions of Americans who will continue to suffer with an unfair credit score because you will do nothing to repair your credit.Most Americans want to believe the credit reporting system works; that people earn their bad credit and there is nothing they can do about it but wait for seven years. But study after study shows the credit reporting system frequently does not work. This is why the Fair Credit Reporting Act and other consumer protection legislation give you the right to do something about it – the right to make sure your credit score is as good as it can be.

So why is it that, though everyone has the right to dispute the negative items in their credit reports, very few people do? It certainly can’t be because they don’t understand the importance of a high credit score. After all, it doesn’t take a genius to figure out the benefits of a good credit score when it can be the difference between paying $2,500/month and $2,000/month for the exact same house.

More likely, the reason people do not repair their credit is a mix of apathy and lack of understanding of the credit reporting system. Too many people assume the credit reporting system is some official government bureaucracy with an extensive system of checks and balances designed to ensure the safekeeping of their credit history. This couldn’t be further from the truth.

The credit bureaus at the center of the credit reporting system are not official organizations. Instead, they are massive, for-profit corporations that collect personal information from your creditors and make money by selling this information in the form of your credit reports.

So now you are asking yourself, how do they ensure this information is correct? If a creditor reports something that is wrong, how do the credit bureaus make sure it doesn’t end up on your credit reports?

The answer to both of these questions is: they don’t. Your creditors report information, the credit bureaus record it, and for most people, the story ends there.

Nobody at the credit bureaus or in the government is going to make sure your credit reports are accurate. The way the credit reporting system is set up, there is only one person who will ever bother to check up on your credit reports – and that person is you. You are the missing, and ultimately the most important, piece of the credit reporting puzzle.

Making sure your credit score is where it should be is your responsibility and repairing your credit reports is a task you will have to initiate because no one out there will do it for you.

It is your right and your responsibility to dispute the questionable negative items in your credit reports and the sooner you start, the better. You can work to repair your credit on your own or you can enlist the help of a credit repair law firm like Lexington Law.

Whether you attempt to repair your credit on your own or with the help of a credit repair expert, by taking an active role in the credit reporting system, you can ensure your credit score is as good as it can be and that you have the advantage over the millions of people out there with bad credit who haven’t taken action to do anything about it.


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Ways to Increase Gas Mileage in Your Vehicle

by Mary Freeman
If you are shopping for a new car, or even a used one, chances are the gas mileage it gets is one of the first things you want to find out. Now, gas mileage that a vehicle can offer has become the main concern throughout the whole country with prices now reaching the $4 a gallon mark and climbing.People are now in search of vehicles which can offer them good gas mileage (which means the distance the vehicle can cover with a gallon of gasoline). Reputed manufactures like Ford, Toyota, Mitsubishi, Honda, Volkswagen, Chevrolet and others are trying to launch cars with better gas mileage and technology that is environment friendly. In the meantime, you are stuck with trying to squeeze the best mileage out of the vehicle you currently have.

Below are some tips and suggestions on ways to increase gas mileage in your vehicle:

Determine Your Gas Mileage

You will first want to calculate your vehicles gas mileage to set a baseline in which to work from to improve your overall mileage. Fill your tank, record the odometer reading, drive around until empty, then record the odometer ready when empty. Take your car to the gas station again and now record the gallons it takes to fill up(lets say 14 gallons). You can now subtract the first odometer reading from the second and divide the result by 14. This is your current MPG.

Reduce Your Vehicle’s Excess Weight

The heavier your car is the more the engine has to work to pull the excess load. Getting rid of all unnecessary weight in your vehicle when on trips will assist to increase your mileage in the long run.

Avoid Idling the Vehicle

Idling is sometimes necessary, like at stop lights, signs, etc, but you will want to avoid all other unnecessary idling wherever possible, like in drive through lines, waiting for friends, etc. If you expect that you will not be moving for an extended period of time , turn off the ignition.

Avoid Aggressive Driving

Aggressive driving can have big effects on your cars gas mileage. Certain actions such as quick accelerations and hard breaking, and even jerky steering can have an effect on your car’s fuel efficiency, so don’t do it! Stay calm when you are driving and try to give yourself enough time to break gradually. Drive defensively not aggressively and you should be ok.

Keep Your Car Maintained

Keeping your car services and in good working order(as per manufacturers specifications) is another way to increase gas mileage. In addition to regular tune-ups you should ensure your tire pressure on all tires are as per dealer specifications. Tires which are low on air make your car work harder to accelerate which taxes your engine and therefore decreases your gas mileage. Always check your Owner’s Manual if you are unsure of your vehicle’s tire pressure requirements.

Change the Oil Regularly

Changing your oil regularly can help to improve your gas mileage. Choose the recommended grade of oil when doing this. Note: Motor oil which is advertised as Energy Conserving may be the ideal choice as it can reduce friction and assist to improve your fuel efficiency.

Replace the Air Filter Regularly

A clogged air filter can be a serious contributor to poor fuel efficiency. Clogging greatly reduces the oxygen to the engine as its using fuel. The decrease in oxygen can interfere with the correct fuel mixture which helps to reduce gas mileage. A clean air filter can also help to improve the performance of your engine.

The Right Octane

You will always want to stick with the manufacturer’s suggested gas octane rating when at the pump. If regular gas is recommended, then you will only be wasting more precious money purchasing a higher octane. Stick with what is recommended and you will be ok.


Decrease the drag on your vehicle and consequently increase your gas mileage by removing outside accessories, like ski and luggage racks if they are not required.

Other ways to increase gas mileage include keeping your air conditioning off whenever possible . This taxes the engine when on and consequently uses more gas when it is on.

Keep your windows closed whenever possible.

This decreases the drag coefficient of the vehicle which reduces natural resistance. Utilizing the tips offered above to increase your mileage will go along way to keep your vehicle driving at optimal efficiency while using the least amount of fuel necessary.

Do you want to know right now how you can drive around using Water as Fuel and laugh at rising gas costs while reducing emissions and preventing global warming? Click Here!

Hope you enjoyed the article,


MOTIVATION – The Art of Positive Thinking

by Anne-Marie RONSEN

Everyone has goals. And you are probably no exceptions. You may have work and career-related goals like promotions, expanded responsibilities, and recognition as an expert in your industry. These are all fine, but be sure you don’t just focus on your job. Many people come to identify their success in life by their position in their job and the recognition they get there. If they become disabled or sick, or if they retire, they suddenly find that they don’t know themselves anymore. They have no identity at work so they don’t know who they are. They may have lost family and friends or have become strangers to these people, unaware of the important events that happened at home while they were at work.

So, they have to get to know themselves and their loved ones all over again. For some, this is an impossible task.

Be sure you set personal goals, family goals and general goals in your life for growth and happiness. Whether it is going on for a Masters Degree in the fine art you love, learning how to fly a plane, or playing the piano, you should have goals that keep you involved in other parts of your life.

Try writing your goals for each day and make number 1 focusing on happy thoughts for 5 minutes. Whatever you know you need to do for that single day, write it on your list. Time management is such a simple tool that really can make a difference to our happiness but most people just don’t utilize it.

Tick items off as you do them and this will make you feel a sense of achievement and happiness.

At the end of the day be thankful for all you managed to get done. Feel pleased with yourself and give yourself a pat on the back for jobs well done. The more you do this, the more it will come naturally and the happier you’ll feel.

Occasionally something will come up that has to take a priority and be dealt with quickly. Just add it to your list, get on with it and then tick it off.

What if there are items still on your list, at the end of the day? Don’t get stressed about it just schedule them for tomorrow. You don’t even need to work through the list methodically from 1 to ? – just do what you can, when you can and cross it off. You’ll soon learn just how much you can really do in a single day and then you’ll make your lists accordingly. Most of us start off writing long lists of things to do and sometimes get frustrated that we can never finish everything – be realistic. Your lists will never end – there’ll always be something that you need to do even if it’s sitting down to watch your favourite TV show.

Everyone already knows that having a sense of humor always helps us get through the day. It’s always better to be able to laugh your way through difficulties but it’s not so easy, for some, to be able to do! Consider this though – how often has stress and anger stopped you from thinking clearly and being able to solve any problem? Most people just ‘give up’ and think that’s that only to find, that a couple of days later, the answer dawns on them when they weren’t even thinking about the problem anymore.

Why? Because as soon as they stop stressing about it, their mind is still quietly working away on finding a solution and as soon as it finds it, it throws it into your conscious mind. Now at this point most people make the mistake of completely ignoring the solution because they’ve moved on to another set of problems!

You need to start by deciding what is really a problem – most people think everything is a problem nowdays! Even trying to work out when you can take a 15 minute coffee break is considered a problem and what you’ll wear for that night out Saturday, is considered a problem. Come on people – these are not really problems yet you’re allowing them to fill up your mind and use valuable disc space. Forget the chatter stuff that’s going through your head and start asking yourself the right questions. When the answer, to your real problem(s) pops into your mind you need to be ready to act on it.

We all want to follow what our heart desires but all too often our heart’s desire changes hourly and our poor minds just don’t know what it is you actually want. This morning it’s a 15 minute coffee break. This afternoon it’s a new sports car that you saw go by whilst waiting at the bus stop on your way home from work. This evening it’s just a quiet evening with no interruptions. Tomorrow it’s that the boss will give you a hefty pay rise. Next week it’s a fancy holiday to an exotic location. Next month it’s a new home. The lists go on and on…….

We’re all guilty of it but you really need to learn to focus and differentiate between day dreams, wishes and real goals and solutions to real problems. Let the chatter go on quietly in the background but make sure you ask yourself the main question each and every day until you get the answer you need.

It does take courage to face your fears but if you ever want to conquer them and deal with them then you really must face them and the sooner the better. Stop letting life just happen to you! Take control, deal with what really needs dealing with and stop sweating the small stuff that really isn’t as important as you may have initially thought.

Appreciate and be grateful for what you already have rather than worrying about what you don’t have.

Remember art of positive thinking is one of the best things you can learn to do and it actually works. It really is possible for you to really begin changing you life using ‘mind over matter’. Start seeing life differently! And Think Like a Winner!


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Hope you enjoyed the article,


Affiliate Marketing Tactics: Making Money from Home


by Zack Lim

Nobody complains that too much money will bring harm to them. Would you like to make a little bit of extra money at home? What if I told you that you could make money online and it will almost not cost you anything to make it? You will be shock that these sorts of things are going on every day on the Internet.

There are a lot of different scams that are out there but I’m not talking about those, I’m talking about starting a business on the Internet knowing affiliate marketing. This is a business that can easily be done from home in the evenings and on weekends and you can build it as fast as you want. The more effort you put into an affiliate marketing business, the more reward you will get in return.

Understanding affiliate marketing is actually quite a simple thing. Normally, choosing which affiliate programs you’re going to do have a common pitfall that many people stumble on. Inside any affiliate network, there are going to be a lot amount of loser and number of winners. People normally go towards the winners because they are the ones that give out the huge commissions and then offer the flashiest programs. But far too many people put all of their efforts into making money using these programs and they never make any at all. Many of them just give up because they are frustrated, thinking that affiliate marketing just does not work.

You need to make sure that you are promoting the proper programs if you’re going to take the time to learn about affiliate marketing and how to make money on the Internet. Stay away from the ones that are full of competition because it is too difficult to make any commissions at all. Look through the network that you belong to and find programs that offer things that are a bit out of the ordinary. These are found on the bottom of the affiliate marketing network because they have the least people that are selling their products. Although this looks bad, it is actually an excellent sign that there is some money to be made.

You will be working in areas that are not full of competition by choosing these lesser-known programs. The sales will come much easier and you can also make more money. Choose carefully and you can reach your business goals in a short period of time.

Hope you enjoyed the article,


A Wildly Succesful Link Campaign Could Get You Tossed From Google’s Index!

by Ba Kiwanuka
That link bait piece was a work of sheer genius! In a matter of days your website traffic exploded from the usual trickle of visitors to over 50,000. Phew…what a rush! Your link campaign is simply dusting the competition like so much netdirt squished beneath the flaming rubber of your screeching tires. Another day…another 20,000 visitors! And as for your link campaign…omigosh! Talk about outta control! Everybody wants to link to you. Everybody is linking to you! And just to think, only a week ago you were struggling to retain the handful of links you’d worked ever so hard to get and yet look at you now…practically drowning in the stuff! And as your link-bait vehicles ramps up even more speed you ride the tidal wave of web traffic with a heavy rap beat pounding the speakers of your linkmobil:Whoop! Whoop! It’s Da Sounda GooglePol Whoop! Whoop! It’s For You Da Bell Toll Whoop! Whoop! It’s Da Sounda GooglePol Whoop! Whoop! It’s For You Da Bell Toll

And then suddenly it hits you! That’s not just your music…it really is GooglePol. Heck…those are real sirens!

The powerful green-white and blue sedan roars up inches behind your turbocharged Speedlinker, and as you ease off the gas a fraction you hear a booming voice snarl “You in the red link vehicle…Turn off your engine and pull to the side. You are in violation of SED (search engine doctrine) 234!

And that’s how what many proclaim to be arguably the most successful link campaign in web history came to a sudden and screeching halt!

Busted For Web 2.0 Speedlinking!

First of all let’s tackle the meaning of Web 2.0 just in case you don’t know what it means. Web 2.0 is many things to different folks, and so if you are the techie type you would probably present a 100-page dissertation to cover the subject. But for us mere mortals Web 2.0 can be simplified along the following lines:

Web 2.0 is the 2nd generation stage of the internet and largely consists of community based and community driven websites/platforms which include blogs, forums, not to mention the vastly popular social media sites. You’ve probably heard of some of the more established and popular of these sites which include:

1. Myspace; 2. Digg; 3. Youtube; and 4. Facebook; to name but a few.

These sites are community driven platforms and the operative word here is “community.” You can find practically any niche subject bustling with its very own online community on any one of the myriad of social media sites out there. However if you hope to gain exposure and benefit from Web 2.0 sites you have to abide by the rules and participate within the community. These online communities are populated by rather sensitive finicky folk who frown very strongly on abject and wanton self promotion!

Rule Breaking Will Get You Banned Quicker Than Samuel L. Jackson Rat-a-tats A Bad Guy Full Of Lead!

Believe me, if unabashed self promotion is your goal, you certainly won’t get far with social media sites! These communities harbor pretty trigger-happy gunners as far as banning community abusers goes, and if you violate socially accepted behavior you’ll be booted out quicker than Paris Hilton can simper “That’s Hot” or Samuel L. Jackson snarls “Mudda@#&%er!” before rat-a-tat-tatting Mr. Bad full of lead!

However if you actively participate in your targeted niche and abide by the rules you can get immense exposure quite quickly, a substantial amount of traffic and a bucket load of links! BUT…yah, there’s always a BUT, as said before you have to be an active community member which means you do have to put in some effort before those links and traffic become a reality.

So what do I mean by effort, or put another way, WORK? Urrggh…that’s right, remember that annoying four letter word you simply cannot seem to avoid doing! Anyway work in this context means reading posts, voting positively for those posts you like (and if you feel brave…voting negatively for those you don’t although I wouldn’t do that too often if you want to build a stable of “friends”). Friends are site members who invite you to join their “neighborhood” something that you can do too; basically acquiring friends is a good thing (both online and off I guess…Duh?)

Indiscriminate voting for all and sundry will get you adversely pinpointed by the site owners as a miscreant up to no good (excuse enough to give you the proverbial boot up your pants). Note that each social media site has its own particular set of rules, lingo and guidelines so read up about them before you get banned and start whining…it’s not fair, boo hoo hoo! Bottom line, you should try and gain as many trusted “friends” in your targeted community as possible and build up a positive reputation that you can leverage to your advantage in the future.

Getting Links And Web Traffic

Betcha this is what you’ve been waiting for…how does Web 2.0 benefit you, right? Well that’s where your stable of friends comes into play. Once you’ve done enough online social hobnobbing, networking or what-have-you and built up a whole lotta good karma, write up your irresistible link bait piece and notify your “friends” of its existence. Generally for most of the social media websites you can only post a short blurb or teaser for your main article so do that and make sure that it is also mouth-watering smackalicious too, that way people just won’t be able to help themselves from clicking through to the main post on your blog (several social media sites only accept mobile platforms such as blogs as opposed to static commonplace sites).

Your new online friends will only be too happy to reciprocate the love you showed them earlier (by voting up their articles) so they won’t hesitate to up-vote your dynamic and irresistible piece. And soon enough, before you know it you’ll be drowning in traffic because that post of yours will rise like the mythical phoenix to the top of the social media sites where it will get supersaturated exposure. Up atop that social media site more and more people will see it, love it and thereby vote for it. Think of that link bait piece of yours as a virus that expands exponentially or as a vicious-cycle with a positive slant!

Caution: Slowdown Now! Google Speedlink Filter Ahead!

So what the heck is Google’s beef with your super successful link bait campaign. Hey, it’s not as if you’re buying links or linking to link farms for that matter. In fact you aren’t doing anything wrong but following their guidelines in accordance with their vision of Web Paradise (never fear that day will come circa Web 50.0).

So what’s really going on?

The problem on hand here is that Google has an algorithm filter which has the purpose of detecting aggressive linking. Translate aggressive linking as the acquisition of a large number of links in a disproportionately short length of time. Unfortunately at this point in time it appears as though this Google Speedlink Filter is still quite primitive and cannot differentiate between genuine above-board superlinking and spammy blackhat shady linking. Once the Speedlink Filter is triggered not only will all your links become null and void with respect to Google (even those prior to your link bait campaign), in the worst case scenario your blog (or site) will be unceremoniously booted from all known search (Google index).

However in such cases there is a glimmer of hope, you can apprise Google of the situation and appeal for a manual review of your site. But I guess the bottom line is if your Web 2.0 speedlinking is making you plenty of ka-ching then perhaps you don’t need the grace of that fickle online deity known as Google!



Hope you enjoyed the article,



Ideas on How to Get Your Children Organize their Belongings


by Steve Pak

Do you ever have problems with your kids that their things are never organized? It seems that everywhere you turn inside the house you see their belongings lying on the floor, above the television, on the bed and even in the kitchen. Everyday since they can walk they have been continuously creating havoc inside the home. Wherever they go, they seem to care less about the mess they leave behind and much lesser for the one who has to clean it. It is very unfortunate for the part of the parents who always clean the mess even though they are tired from work and other household chores. Nagging about it to them seems useless. So, how can you make your kids clean after their untidiness?

Consider buying your children backpacks especially made to cater to them as target markets because when they feel excited towards them they become innocently responsible. Seeing that the backpacks have shouting colors, creative shapes and alluring designs will definitely make them want to pack all their stuff inside them. When children see something they own for the first time, they usually take good care of it. They will always want to be near their things and protect them from everyone. Thus, they transform into a somewhat very organized person but it usually does not last long enough. This is where, as parents, you have to follow them through it.

Think of some ways wherein you can get your children feel as if packing their things inside their bags is ordinary to them. Try setting an alarm on their wrist watches to sound off probably before they go to bed. It is advisable that their wrist watches have alarms in them because they usually wear with them all the time. Encourage them by giving them rewards and at the same time help them with the things that need cleaning. The most common reason why they have to fix their things is to make sure that they do not forget anything they might need for the activities they have for tomorrow. Another reason can be that organizing their things will give them more time to play and even sleep with out worrying too much on being late. Make cleaning and fixing their things as if they are playing.

When you introduce to your children into these kinds of methods they unwarily become little angels. Little by little you are developing them to be a responsible kid. Toys and kid related materials are definitely a plus for them and for you too. You just have to make sure that what you buy will help them in their developing stage. You assist your kids by reward system and in a way that they do not feel heavily burdened by what they are supposed to do. They should feel that what they are doing is fun and not a responsibility because they usually have unexplainable inner resentment to the latter.

Simple things such as backpacks for kids with sufficient instructional aid from parents will definitely have good impact to them. These things can be backpacks that have bright colors and timely designs that attract children. Buying one for your kids in line with their taste is advisable. And a little help from parents like setting alarm on their wrist watches to schedule their games, baths and cleaning time will go a long way but it has to be fun for them or else all efforts are useless.


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Reduce Belly Fat. The Best 4 Exercises To Reduce Belly Fat Without Doing Sit Ups

by Tracy Z. Williams

Do you hate doing sit ups? Do you find that sit ups hurt your back and neck? Do you still want to reduce belly fat and get a flat stomach?
If you are motivated to reduce belly fat without doing sit ups, you will need to start by having your diet under control and working out with aerobic exercise and weight training up to two times per day. To reduce belly fat you must lose weight all over your body, unfortunately we cannot spot reduce and just have a flat belly on a fat body.

Here are 5 exercises to reduce belly fat without doing sit ups. Add these exercises to your normal exercise routine.

Leg circles. Lie on the floor on your back. Bring your feet in so that both feet are flat on the ground with knees bent at 90%. Keeping your back flat and your stomach muscles tight, bring your right leg up to the ceiling. Use your foot to ‘draw’ small circles on the ceiling, moving only your leg, not your hips or spine. As you get better draw larger circles. Repeat in the other direction and switch legs.

One hundreds Lie on the floor on your back. Bring your legs up so that your feet are pointing about 45 degrees from the floor. Bring your hands to your thighs with your arms straight. Pull your abs in tightly, holding your belly button to your spine and lift head and shoulders off the ground. Keeping your back on the floor, press your hands up and down, counting each beat. Lower the legs as much as you can without causing pressure on your back, and making sure your back remains pressed to the floor. Inhale for 5 and exhale for 5 until you reach 100.

The Plank or hover. The aim here is to raise your entire body off the floor, supported by just your forearms and knees, similar to a push up position. Your trunk and abdominal section stay straight and rigid. To begin, lie on the floor on your stomach, with your forearms touching the floor, beside your chest. Raise your body up off the ground so that you are holding your back straight and looking straight ahead. Your weight is evenly distributed between your knees and your forearms. Contract your stomach muscles and Hold for 15-20 seconds. For more of a challenge, straighten your legs and hold your body off the floor from your toes and forearms. Remember to keep your stomach tight for the entire exercise and breath This move is similar to doing crunches. Lie on the floor on your back. Bring your feet in, so that your knees are bent at 90% with your feet on the floor. Bring your hands to your thighs with your arms straight. Pull your abs in tightly, holding your belly button to your spine and lift head and shoulders of the ground. Keeping your back on the floor, press your hands up and down,

Scissors. This is a great exercise to reduce stomach fat without doing sit ups. Lie on the floor on your back, prop yourself on your elbows with your arms bent at 90 degrees. Have your legs straight. Contract your stomach muscles, pulling your belly button to your spine and bring one leg straight up so that it is about 1 foot from the floor. Quickly alternate legs, breathing with each change. Repeat for 20 seconds, do not rush this exercise, take it slowly and be mindful of breathing and keeping your stomach muscles tight.

These exercises are all great for strengthening your core muscles and are the best ways to reduce belly fat without doing sit ups. If you feel pain or discomfort while doing any of these movements seek medical advice.

For more information about how to reduce belly fat, visit reduce stomach fat on squidoo

Do you hate doing sit ups? Do you find that sit ups hurt your back and neck? Do you still want to reduce belly fat and get a flat stomach?
If you are motivated to reduce belly fat without doing sit ups, you will need to start by having your diet under control and working out with aerobic exercise and weight training up to two times per day. To reduce belly fat you must lose weight all over your body, unfortunately we cannot spot reduce and just have a flat belly on a fat body.

Here are 5 exercises to reduce belly fat without doing sit ups. Add these exercises to your normal exercise routine.

Leg circles. Lie on the floor on your back. Bring your feet in so that both feet are flat on the ground with knees bent at 90%. Keeping your back flat and your stomach muscles tight, bring your right leg up to the ceiling. Use your foot to ‘draw’ small circles on the ceiling, moving only your leg, not your hips or spine. As you get better draw larger circles. Repeat in the other direction and switch legs.

One hundreds Lie on the floor on your back. Bring your legs up so that your feet are pointing about 45 degrees from the floor. Bring your hands to your thighs with your arms straight. Pull your abs in tightly, holding your belly button to your spine and lift head and shoulders off the ground. Keeping your back on the floor, press your hands up and down, counting each beat. Lower the legs as much as you can without causing pressure on your back, and making sure your back remains pressed to the floor. Inhale for 5 and exhale for 5 until you reach 100.

The Plank or hover. The aim here is to raise your entire body off the floor, supported by just your forearms and knees, similar to a push up position. Your trunk and abdominal section stay straight and rigid. To begin, lie on the floor on your stomach, with your forearms touching the floor, beside your chest. Raise your body up off the ground so that you are holding your back straight and looking straight ahead. Your weight is evenly distributed between your knees and your forearms. Contract your stomach muscles and Hold for 15-20 seconds. For more of a challenge, straighten your legs and hold your body off the floor from your toes and forearms. Remember to keep your stomach tight for the entire exercise and breath This move is similar to doing crunches. Lie on the floor on your back. Bring your feet in, so that your knees are bent at 90% with your feet on the floor. Bring your hands to your thighs with your arms straight. Pull your abs in tightly, holding your belly button to your spine and lift head and shoulders of the ground. Keeping your back on the floor, press your hands up and down,

Scissors. This is a great exercise to reduce stomach fat without doing sit ups. Lie on the floor on your back, prop yourself on your elbows with your arms bent at 90 degrees. Have your legs straight. Contract your stomach muscles, pulling your belly button to your spine and bring one leg straight up so that it is about 1 foot from the floor. Quickly alternate legs, breathing with each change. Repeat for 20 seconds, do not rush this exercise, take it slowly and be mindful of breathing and keeping your stomach muscles tight.

These exercises are all great for strengthening your core muscles and are the best ways to reduce belly fat without doing sit ups. If you feel pain or discomfort while doing any of these movements seek medical advice.

For more information about how to reduce belly fat, visit reduce stomach fat on squidoo

Do you hate doing sit ups? Do you find that sit ups hurt your back and neck? Do you still want to reduce belly fat and get a flat stomach?
If you are motivated to reduce belly fat without doing sit ups, you will need to start by having your diet under control and working out with aerobic exercise and weight training up to two times per day. To reduce belly fat you must lose weight all over your body, unfortunately we cannot spot reduce and just have a flat belly on a fat body.

Here are 5 exercises to reduce belly fat without doing sit ups. Add these exercises to your normal exercise routine.

Leg circles. Lie on the floor on your back. Bring your feet in so that both feet are flat on the ground with knees bent at 90%. Keeping your back flat and your stomach muscles tight, bring your right leg up to the ceiling. Use your foot to ‘draw’ small circles on the ceiling, moving only your leg, not your hips or spine. As you get better draw larger circles. Repeat in the other direction and switch legs.

One hundreds Lie on the floor on your back. Bring your legs up so that your feet are pointing about 45 degrees from the floor. Bring your hands to your thighs with your arms straight. Pull your abs in tightly, holding your belly button to your spine and lift head and shoulders off the ground. Keeping your back on the floor, press your hands up and down, counting each beat. Lower the legs as much as you can without causing pressure on your back, and making sure your back remains pressed to the floor. Inhale for 5 and exhale for 5 until you reach 100.

The Plank or hover. The aim here is to raise your entire body off the floor, supported by just your forearms and knees, similar to a push up position. Your trunk and abdominal section stay straight and rigid. To begin, lie on the floor on your stomach, with your forearms touching the floor, beside your chest. Raise your body up off the ground so that you are holding your back straight and looking straight ahead. Your weight is evenly distributed between your knees and your forearms. Contract your stomach muscles and Hold for 15-20 seconds. For more of a challenge, straighten your legs and hold your body off the floor from your toes and forearms. Remember to keep your stomach tight for the entire exercise and breath This move is similar to doing crunches. Lie on the floor on your back. Bring your feet in, so that your knees are bent at 90% with your feet on the floor. Bring your hands to your thighs with your arms straight. Pull your abs in tightly, holding your belly button to your spine and lift head and shoulders of the ground. Keeping your back on the floor, press your hands up and down,

Scissors. This is a great exercise to reduce stomach fat without doing sit ups. Lie on the floor on your back, prop yourself on your elbows with your arms bent at 90 degrees. Have your legs straight. Contract your stomach muscles, pulling your belly button to your spine and bring one leg straight up so that it is about 1 foot from the floor. Quickly alternate legs, breathing with each change. Repeat for 20 seconds, do not rush this exercise, take it slowly and be mindful of breathing and keeping your stomach muscles tight.

These exercises are all great for strengthening your core muscles and are the best ways to reduce belly fat without doing sit ups. If you feel pain or discomfort while doing any of these movements seek medical advice.

For more information about how to reduce belly fat, visit reduce stomach fat on squidoo

Do you hate doing sit ups? Do you find that sit ups hurt your back and neck? Do you still want to reduce belly fat and get a flat stomach?
If you are motivated to reduce belly fat without doing sit ups, you will need to start by having your diet under control and working out with aerobic exercise and weight training up to two times per day. To reduce belly fat you must lose weight all over your body, unfortunately we cannot spot reduce and just have a flat belly on a fat body.

Here are 5 exercises to reduce belly fat without doing sit ups. Add these exercises to your normal exercise routine.

Leg circles. Lie on the floor on your back. Bring your feet in so that both feet are flat on the ground with knees bent at 90%. Keeping your back flat and your stomach muscles tight, bring your right leg up to the ceiling. Use your foot to ‘draw’ small circles on the ceiling, moving only your leg, not your hips or spine. As you get better draw larger circles. Repeat in the other direction and switch legs.

One hundreds Lie on the floor on your back. Bring your legs up so that your feet are pointing about 45 degrees from the floor. Bring your hands to your thighs with your arms straight. Pull your abs in tightly, holding your belly button to your spine and lift head and shoulders off the ground. Keeping your back on the floor, press your hands up and down, counting each beat. Lower the legs as much as you can without causing pressure on your back, and making sure your back remains pressed to the floor. Inhale for 5 and exhale for 5 until you reach 100.

The Plank or hover. The aim here is to raise your entire body off the floor, supported by just your forearms and knees, similar to a push up position. Your trunk and abdominal section stay straight and rigid. To begin, lie on the floor on your stomach, with your forearms touching the floor, beside your chest. Raise your body up off the ground so that you are holding your back straight and looking straight ahead. Your weight is evenly distributed between your knees and your forearms. Contract your stomach muscles and Hold for 15-20 seconds. For more of a challenge, straighten your legs and hold your body off the floor from your toes and forearms. Remember to keep your stomach tight for the entire exercise and breath This move is similar to doing crunches. Lie on the floor on your back. Bring your feet in, so that your knees are bent at 90% with your feet on the floor. Bring your hands to your thighs with your arms straight. Pull your abs in tightly, holding your belly button to your spine and lift head and shoulders of the ground. Keeping your back on the floor, press your hands up and down,

Scissors. This is a great exercise to reduce stomach fat without doing sit ups. Lie on the floor on your back, prop yourself on your elbows with your arms bent at 90 degrees. Have your legs straight. Contract your stomach muscles, pulling your belly button to your spine and bring one leg straight up so that it is about 1 foot from the floor. Quickly alternate legs, breathing with each change. Repeat for 20 seconds, do not rush this exercise, take it slowly and be mindful of breathing and keeping your stomach muscles tight.

These exercises are all great for strengthening your core muscles and are the best ways to reduce belly fat without doing sit ups. If you feel pain or discomfort while doing any of these movements seek medical advice.

For more information about how to reduce belly fat, visit reduce stomach fat on squidoo.


Hope you enjoyed the article,



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