
Ways to Increase Gas Mileage in Your Vehicle

by Mary Freeman
If you are shopping for a new car, or even a used one, chances are the gas mileage it gets is one of the first things you want to find out. Now, gas mileage that a vehicle can offer has become the main concern throughout the whole country with prices now reaching the $4 a gallon mark and climbing.People are now in search of vehicles which can offer them good gas mileage (which means the distance the vehicle can cover with a gallon of gasoline). Reputed manufactures like Ford, Toyota, Mitsubishi, Honda, Volkswagen, Chevrolet and others are trying to launch cars with better gas mileage and technology that is environment friendly. In the meantime, you are stuck with trying to squeeze the best mileage out of the vehicle you currently have.

Below are some tips and suggestions on ways to increase gas mileage in your vehicle:

Determine Your Gas Mileage

You will first want to calculate your vehicles gas mileage to set a baseline in which to work from to improve your overall mileage. Fill your tank, record the odometer reading, drive around until empty, then record the odometer ready when empty. Take your car to the gas station again and now record the gallons it takes to fill up(lets say 14 gallons). You can now subtract the first odometer reading from the second and divide the result by 14. This is your current MPG.

Reduce Your Vehicle’s Excess Weight

The heavier your car is the more the engine has to work to pull the excess load. Getting rid of all unnecessary weight in your vehicle when on trips will assist to increase your mileage in the long run.

Avoid Idling the Vehicle

Idling is sometimes necessary, like at stop lights, signs, etc, but you will want to avoid all other unnecessary idling wherever possible, like in drive through lines, waiting for friends, etc. If you expect that you will not be moving for an extended period of time , turn off the ignition.

Avoid Aggressive Driving

Aggressive driving can have big effects on your cars gas mileage. Certain actions such as quick accelerations and hard breaking, and even jerky steering can have an effect on your car’s fuel efficiency, so don’t do it! Stay calm when you are driving and try to give yourself enough time to break gradually. Drive defensively not aggressively and you should be ok.

Keep Your Car Maintained

Keeping your car services and in good working order(as per manufacturers specifications) is another way to increase gas mileage. In addition to regular tune-ups you should ensure your tire pressure on all tires are as per dealer specifications. Tires which are low on air make your car work harder to accelerate which taxes your engine and therefore decreases your gas mileage. Always check your Owner’s Manual if you are unsure of your vehicle’s tire pressure requirements.

Change the Oil Regularly

Changing your oil regularly can help to improve your gas mileage. Choose the recommended grade of oil when doing this. Note: Motor oil which is advertised as Energy Conserving may be the ideal choice as it can reduce friction and assist to improve your fuel efficiency.

Replace the Air Filter Regularly

A clogged air filter can be a serious contributor to poor fuel efficiency. Clogging greatly reduces the oxygen to the engine as its using fuel. The decrease in oxygen can interfere with the correct fuel mixture which helps to reduce gas mileage. A clean air filter can also help to improve the performance of your engine.

The Right Octane

You will always want to stick with the manufacturer’s suggested gas octane rating when at the pump. If regular gas is recommended, then you will only be wasting more precious money purchasing a higher octane. Stick with what is recommended and you will be ok.


Decrease the drag on your vehicle and consequently increase your gas mileage by removing outside accessories, like ski and luggage racks if they are not required.

Other ways to increase gas mileage include keeping your air conditioning off whenever possible . This taxes the engine when on and consequently uses more gas when it is on.

Keep your windows closed whenever possible.

This decreases the drag coefficient of the vehicle which reduces natural resistance. Utilizing the tips offered above to increase your mileage will go along way to keep your vehicle driving at optimal efficiency while using the least amount of fuel necessary.

Do you want to know right now how you can drive around using Water as Fuel and laugh at rising gas costs while reducing emissions and preventing global warming? Click Here!

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7 Advantages Of Water For Gas Technology

by Chad P. Flick
No doubt about it, it’s now possible to power your car on water as well as gas, instead of 100% gas. 

Apart from the many advantages the water for gas technology has on the planet, it also has many widespread advantages to many individuals around the world, including you.

Here are 7 of these incredible advantages of the water for gas technology:

1- Improves your gas mileage by up to 35%. This includes both city and highway driving conditions. Imagine how much money this would save you at the end of the month and at the end of the year. It is estimated that this could save you as much as $897.40 per year. If there are two, three or four drivers in the family, this yearly savings increases dramatically. And what if you have a fleet of 50 drivers in your company? Then your yearly savings will multiply to $44,870. More if you have more drivers.

2- Eliminates harmful exhaust emission that pollute the environment and contribute to global warming. Your engine will add oxygen to the environment instead of polluting it. How about doing something good to help the environment for a change?

3- Greatly enhance engine power and performance. The more gas you use on your car, the more the engine gets battered- thus reducing the performance. But by using water as an alternative, this enhances your engine power instead and improves performance.

4- Remove carbon deposits and prevent future carbon build up.

5- Reduce the operating temperature of the engine and waste heat into the environment.

6- You will notice a calmer, quieter and much smoother engine operation and smoother gearshifts. This is due to the effect water has on the combustion cycle inside your engine.

7- Enjoy a longer life expectancy of your engine, especially the pistons, rings and valves.

These are just some of the many advantages of the water for gas technology. You can build the device needed to make this technology work for you.

For more information visit:


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Saving Money Is Easier Than You Think!

by James
Feeling short of money? Make more and spend less!You want to go where money is? Watch prison break first!

It’s so much easier said than done to save money. Well, somebody has given lists such as cutting your coffee, less entertainment, less shopping (no, you are killing me)… That works for your money but not for your life, because you save for a better one.

To better manage your money, here comes some tips:

First, set your goal in short-term and long-term. There must be something you want in desperation, like a car, a macbook. You will figure out what to cut to have your dream come true. Yes, you are not really saving money here, but you find the ways.

Second, make a budget and prioritize your spending. Track your monthly expenses and calculate the average for your regular payments (Rent, Phone Bills, utilities, gas etc.). Shopping and entertainment may change from month to month, set a minimum. When you have a total spending plan for the next month, save all the surplus for investment or open a savings account.

Third and the smarter way, when you have to buy something, find a cheap one. Actually this is easy because you are online. DO NOT save your cable expense.

The Internet has changed our way of life: Users get greater access to information than ever before. It also offers many opportunities for saving money. As online shopping has become more and more popular, businesses have been pressured into not only maintaining an online presence, but also competing for a thriving global consumer base. Online deals and specials are powerful persuasion for potential customers, and are therefore used by many retailers. If you know where to look, you can find many ways to save money online, such as traditional coupons that you can print out and carry with you, and online coupons that use links or coupon codes to save you money.

There are two ways applying the discount for online stores: linked coupons and coupon codes . With a linked coupon, you simply click on the link, and it takes you to the online store via a special URL; then when you finish the shopping, your savings will be applied to your shopping cart automatically. A coupon code is a special code you will need to enter when you check out. Because online stores depend on online coupons and promotions to boost sales, these codes are very easy to find. There are many websites dedicated to listing current online coupons and coupon codes such as , etc. Most of these sites offer a search feature to help you find exactly what you’re looking for.

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